BOLD BlogNews and views from Cavidi

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Exazym®: New Detection Limits Open New Possibilities

Exazym® — Pixels to Proteins

Exazym® — Ultra-Sensitivity Meets Practicality

Exazym® — A Breakthrough in Precision Health

COVID-19 and HIV how we can learn from pandemics

In times of uncertainty and crisis, clear information saves live...

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Walter Campos MBA, MSc, PhD Virology has been promoted to Commercial Director, Africa

Walter Campos MBA, MSc, PhD Virology has been promoted to Commer...

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Cavidi secures ALMI grant to expand presence in US market

The gene therapy market in the United States is growing rapidly,...

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Cavidi finalists in Uppsala Innovation Award 2018

"It was an honour to be nominated especially when one sees the v...

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Cavidi an HIV diagnostics industry leader sets sights on virus containment

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) has puzzled scientist aro...

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Partners in Health begin VL testing at St Marc Clinic, Haiti

HIV patients at the Partners in Health St Marc Clinic in Haiti w...

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