Cavidi brings its message to AIDS 2010 in Vienna

Cavidi is attending the AIDS 2010 conference in Vienna to spread its message of the need for greater access to HIV viral load monitoring. With ExaVir Load as a highly accessible solution, Cavidi states that the time for viral load testing is now. This fits well with the theme of this year’s conference: Rights Here. Right Now.

The conference is the largest in the world dedicated to a global health issue. AIDS 2010 is also an opportunity to highlight the critical connection between human rights and HIV; a dialogue begun in earnest in Mexico City in 2008. The selection of the AIDS 2010 host city is a reflection of the central role Vienna has played in bridging Eastern and Western Europe, and will allow for an examination of the epidemic’s impact in Eastern Europe. This puts the international spotlight on a region that has not previously received a great deal of attention regarding the spread of HIV. This in itself is a step closer to reaching the conference’s goal of getting people in every part of the world to take action.

Visit Cavidi at booth B-204 to meet the management team and learn more about the need for greater accessibility.

Learn more about the conference at


